Strategic Talent Acquisition
Posted on 21st July 2024Duration
Personal DevelopmentSub Categories
Career Developmentنبذة عن الدورة التدريبية
Learn a Holistic Methodology to Attract, Assess, and Acquire Talent
Remember when positions were posted mainly via online job boards, or even the newspaper? When you had to know someone in an organization to learn the real story about working there? When companies had too many qualified candi-dates for critical positions?
Well, things have changed... and so should the way you acquire the talent you need to be successful.
The rise of social and con-sumer technologies has changed candidate expectations. Candidates have the same high expectations that your clients and customers do—personalized experiences, relevant messaging, transparency, and honesty. Using the right marketing strategies driven by relevant data and analytics, you can attract the best candidates and make the best hires. HCI’s goal-driven approach will help you connect hiring to the entire em-ployee lifecycle, ensuring long-term organizational connect hiring to the entire employee lifecycle, ensuring long-term organizational success.