Best Practices in Maintenance and Reliability - SMRP Body of Knowledge Training
5 day, بإجمالي20 hour (ومعدل4 hour daily)Categories
BusinessSub Categories
Managementنبذة عن الدورة التدريبية
The course is a 5-day, highly interactive program designed and delivered to build an attendee’s knowledge on global best practices regardless of the learner’s starting point. The course covers the salient points and knowledge base as outlined and defined by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP). Specifically, the areas of concentration are:
→ Business and Management − translating the business goals of an organization into maintenance and reliability goals
→ Manufacturing Process Reliability − ensuring that maintenance and reliability activities improve the production process
→ Equipment Reliability − both assessing the current equipment capabilities and determining the appropriate actives necessary to ensure the equipment can deliver on its intended capabilities
→ Organization and Leadership − ensuring a highly engaged and capable maintenance staff and team
→ Work Management − includes indepth discussions and exercises on maintenance activities
This is a fast and informative course. Interaction and student response is expected and required. Come to learn and to enjoy
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