دورة اساسيات انترنت الأشياء
نشر 21 يونيو 2024المدة الزمنية
2يوم* تفاصيل جهة الاعتماد ورقم الاعتماد .
تكنولوجيا المعلومات والبرمجياتالفئات الفرعية
شبكات تقنية المعلوماتOverview
- With 20.4 billion devices expected to be connected by 2020, concerns over interoperability and security continue to increase, as well as the need for organizations to understand the impacts of IoT technology.
- This course provides an overview of IoT technologies. It will look at each of the elements that compose their ecosystem, so you can identify the main IoT system components and understand how they interact. Plus you’ll get an overview into the interoperability challenges, cybersecurity threats
- and where IoT can provide the greatest benefits
- Identify the main IoT system components, and the interactions between them
- Address basic technical questions on IoT
- Recognize cybersecurity repercussions on IoT
- Gain an insight into interoperability challenges present in IoT
- Recognize the main IoT system components, and the interactions between them