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Excel for Beginners

نشر 25 يونيو 2024

المدة الزمنية

* تفاصيل جهة الاعتماد ورقم الاعتماد .


إنتاجية المكتب

الفئات الفرعية



The spreadsheet program is one of the most widely used software in workplaces around the world. Learning to confidently operate this program means adding extremely valuable assets to your employability. As digital skills jobs grow at a faster pace than non-digital jobs, make sure to position yourself at the forefront.

In this introductory course, you will learn the basics of Microsoft Excel. You will adeptly navigate the Excel user interface, perform basic arithmetic operations with formulas and functions, professionally format spreadsheets, and create data visualizations through charts and graphs. This training course will prepare you with a solid foundation to become a confident user and develop more advanced skills in subsequent courses.


Course objectives

This training workshop will help trainees to learn:

  • Acquire basic skills in using Excel software.
  • Ability to work with tables and data in Excel.
  • Create and utilize named ranges in spreadsheets.
  • Work with logical functions in Excel.
  • Use various techniques to ensure data accuracy.
  • Utilize diverse search and reference functions.
  • Create summaries in spreadsheets using subtotals.
  • Create and use pivot tables using advanced features and techniques.
  • Perform a variety of analytical tasks using PowerPivot.
  • Utilize data consolidation feature to merge data from multiple workbooks into one.
  • Import and export data to and from Excel.

تفاصيل الدورة

  • الفئة المستهدفة: مبتدئ, متوسط, متقدم, خبير

دورات ذات صلة